Thursday, August 8, 2019

Friday, August 9, 2019

Welcome back to English I!

Clear Target: I can collaborate with my classmates to explore and analyze Mrs. Keith's classroom syllabus

This is the class blog! This is your "homebase" of information for English class this year. When you come in each day, you'll find the "Home" page of the blog has basic agenda information for your class. Pay attention and make sure you're checking the agenda for STEM, Honors, or General - they may be very different!

Once you have your computer, you'll need to bookmark this page; it will be your responsibility to check in with the blog every single day at the start of class. Here, you will find:

  • The day's agenda
  • Any announcements/reminders
  • Directions on what to do for your bellringer/"Do Now" (this should be started immediately after reading the day's blog post on the "Home" page)
If you look across the top, you'll see there are tabs for each section (STEM, Honors, General) of English I. Clicking on those tabs will take you to information that is specific to your section of English; some days the bellringer will direct you click on those tabs for the day's activities.

There is also a tab called "Resources." This is a great hub to find links to resources not just for English class, but for you as a Kenwood student. These links include the student portal, tech work orders, PowerSchool, CommonLit, and the KHS research database.

One of the most important tabs you'll see is the "Course Syllabus." This is your cheat sheet to passing my class!! It gives you everything you need to know about what we are doing this year in English I, how to act in class, and if you pay attention you can even learn exactly how to get an A this year!

To help you get acquainted with this most important key to success, today and Monday you will be rotating through 5 different stations to explore some classroom policies, procedures, and expectations. All you will need to bring to the stations is something to write with (pen or pencil only, please).

And for those of you asking, here's a list of your REQUIRED classroom materials. You will need to have these purchased and brought to class with you on Friday, August 16:
  • Pencils/pens (blue or black ink only)
  • 1 highlighter
  • 2" 3-ring binder that will only be used for English I
  • 1 set of tab dividers (4 tabs)
  • 1 subject notebook, or 1 pack of lined notebook paper
  • Earbuds or headphones
Once you have written this list down, please put everything else away except something to write with!