Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday, December 6, 2019

Good morning!

Today we will be viewing the balcony scene we read in class yesterday, as well as a portion of the story leading up to what we will read tomorrow. Please grab a notes sheet from the front of the room and be prepared to take notes as you watch today.

If you're absent today, please make sure to get a blank copy of the notes from Mrs. Keith when you return; the notes for today will be posted in Google Classroom so you can catch up on what you missed.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Good morning!

We're back into "R&J" today, so let's start with a quick quiz over what we watched yesterday.

Click HERE to take the quiz, then open up "Romeo & Juliet Act 2 Scene 2" in Google Classroom and prepare for the day. I'm going to need a few people to read as Romeo and a few people to read as Juliet, so start thinking about which role you may want to read as.

If you're absent today, please make sure you take the quiz on your own time. You'll also want to read the text (specifically, the right-hand column where the language is more modern) so you don't fall behind in the story.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Good morning!

It's time for us to start reading "Romeo & Juliet"! Today's the day!

If you were not able to login to the CommonLit assignment from yesterday, it has been fixed. Please get your answer sheets out of the turn-in drawer and put your answers into the CommonLit assignment posted in Google Classroom. This is due no later than Friday, December 6!

Before we get into the text, there are a few notes we need to go over. Please get out your binder/notebook for English class and something to write with, then open this link to the text. Once you've done that, close your computer (leaving the text open) and wait quietly at your seat.

If you are absent today, you'll be able to find the notes posted in Google Classroom. You'll also want to read the text (specifically, the right-hand column where the language is more modern) so you don't fall behind in the story. Also, you'll want to check out these notes about Shakespeare's 5-Act Play.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Today I will be in Nashville on a field trip with Student Government, so you have a sub. However, please know that I have eyes in the classroom today and know what's going on even when I'm out.

We're going to step away from "R&J" for a moment today and look at how Shakespeare is used in modern-day life (it's not just for English class and the theater!).

To start off, please watch this EdPuzzle video and complete the questions.

When you're done, login to Google Classroom and click on the CommonLit link. You'll be taken through an article that relates to the EdPuzzle video, with guided questions and a quiz at the end. Please complete ALL steps of the CommonLit before class tomorrow - this is for a grade.

What you don't finish in class today becomes homework, so stay focused and do your work.

And yes, I will know if you're on YouTube, Minecraft, Amazon, etc. The ONLY websites you should be accessing are the blog, EdPuzzle, Google Classroom, and CommonLit; anything else can get you a referral, so don't risk it.

HONORS/STEM: There are 3 extended-response questions posted in Google Classroom. Please answer these on a separate sheet of paper and bring them to class tomorrow. Remember, an extended response has a minimum of 5 sentences and always restates the question before answering it.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Monday, December 2, 2019

Welcome back! Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving break, and you're feeling ready to jump into "Romeo & Juliet."

Today, to give us some background information about the text, we are going to be looking at some key elements from "R&J" through a webquest.

First, though, I need you to fill out the first 2 columns (what we know, what we want to know) about "R&J" on this KWL chart. Once you've done that, you can click this link to access the webquest and wait for Mrs. Keith to give you the worksheet that goes with it.

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