Monday, December 16, 2019

Monday, December 16, 2019

Happy Midterms Week!

Today we will be going over the Midterm Review, but you must already have review questions completed before coming to class today - this is for a grade.  If you are not at school today, you can find the review posted in Google Classroom after 1:45pm today.

Remember, all late work must be turned in by 2:30pm today. If you are absent today and it is an excused absence verified by the attendance office you can turn in your late work during your exam period.

Listed below is the midterm exam schedule for Kenwood High School:

2019-2020 Mid-Term Exam Schedule

7:30-9:15 3RD PERIOD EXAM
9:20-10:55 5TH PERIOD EXAM
11:00-12:55 LUNCH (STAY IN 5TH PERIOD)
11:00-11:25 (A LUNCH)
11:30-11:55 (B LUNCH)
12:00-12:25 (C LUNCH)
12:30-12:55 (D LUNCH)
1:00-2:25 4TH PERIOD EXAM

7:30-10:00 1ST PERIOD EXAM
10:05-12:00 LUNCH (STAY IN 1ST PERIOD)
10:05-10:30 (A LUNCH)
10:35-11:00 (B LUNCH)
11:05-11:30 (C LUNCH)
11:35-12:00 (D LUNCH)
12:05-2:25 2ND PERIOD EXAM

7:30-10:00 6TH PERIOD EXAM
10:05-12:00 LUNCH (STAY IN 6TH PERIOD)
10:05-10:30 (A LUNCH)
10:35-11:00 (B LUNCH)
11:05-11:30 (C LUNCH)
11:35-12:00 (D LUNCH)
12:05-2:25 7TH PERIOD EXAM

Students will report to the cafeteria upon arrival to school, and will remain there until dismissal. If a student finishes early, they may contact someone to pick them up. Only students who need to take a missed exam need to attend on Friday.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Friday, December 13, 2019

We are so close to Christmas Break it's scary! (See what I did there - scary because it's Friday the 13th? Hehehe)

GENERAL/HONORS: Today  we will be finishing our Escape Room activity to review and assess how much you learned during "R&J." You'll be working in groups for the chance to earn some extra credit, but everyone who participates fully with their group will get the full 50 points for this assessment.

If you are absent ONE of the two days, you will earn the full 50 points for the day you were in attendance as long as you participated with 100% effort that day.

If you are absent BOTH days, you will be assigned an alternative assessment over "R&J"  that will be due at the midterm. Please see Mrs. Keith first thing Monday, December 16 for this assignment.

STEM: Today we will continue working on your "R&J" GIS Project. This is a chance to review and assess how much you learned during "R&J" while also applying concepts learned in your STEM class. Please check the blog for your project sheet, rubric, and draft sheets for this project. This is due Monday, December 16 by 11:59pm via Google Classroom.

Thursday, December 13, 2019

GENERAL/HONORS: Today and tomorrow we will be doing an Escape Room activity to review and assess how much you learned during "R&J." You'll be working in groups for the chance to earn some extra credit, but everyone who participates fully with their group will get the full 50 points for this assessment.

If you are absent ONE of the two days, you will earn the full 50 points for the day you were in attendance as long as you participated with 100% effort that day.

If you are absent BOTH days, you will be assigned an alternative assessment over "R&J"  that will be due at the midterm. Please see Mrs. Keith first thing Monday, December 16 for this assignment.

STEM: Today and tomorrow we will be working on your "R&J" GIS Project. This is a chance to review and assess how much you learned during "R&J" while also applying concepts learned in your STEM class. Please check the blog for your project sheet, rubric, and draft sheets for this project. This is due Monday, December 16 by 11:59pm via Google Classroom.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Today we will finish up "Romeo & Juliet." Please remember that all guided notes over the movie can be found posted in Google Classroom, and I will accept them as extra credit until Thursday, December 12; after that, I won't take them at all (not turning them in won't make your grade go down, don't worry!)

Tomorrow and Friday we will be doing an Escape Room activity to review and assess how much you learned during "R&J." You'll be working in groups for the chance to earn some extra credit, but everyone who participates fully with their group will get the full 50 points for this assessment.

If you are absent ONE of the two days, you will earn the full 50 points for the day you were in attendance as long as you participated with 100% effort that day.

If you are absent BOTH days, you will be assigned an alternative assessment over "R&J"  that will be due at the midterm. Please see Mrs. Keith first thing Monday, December 16 for this assignment.

STEM: Tomorrow and Friday we will be working on your "R&J" GIS Project. This is a chance to review and assess how much you learned during "R&J" while also applying concepts learned in your STEM class. Please check the blog for your project sheet, rubric, and draft sheets for this project. This is due Monday, December 16 by 11:59pm via Google Classroom.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Happy 2-Hour Delay! ⛄

Today and tomorrow we will be finishing up Romeo & Juliet. There are guided notes that go along with what we are watching, and for most of my classes, these will be an opportunity for extra credit (this does not apply to 5th period). I will be collecting all 3 movie notes sheets tomorrow at the end of class. You must have all the notes completed to get the extra credit, so make sure you're paying attention!

I've posted the Midterm Review on Google Classroom. Please use this study guide to help you prepare for your midterm. Do your best to answer these questions on your own before coming to class on Monday, December 16. I will collect these for a grade. The easist way to complete this review is by saving a copy to your computer and opening with Adobe Acrobat and saving it on your computer; OR by opening it in your internet browser window using DocHub and downloading the copy that way. If all else fails, open it using Google Docs and save a copy to your drive. If you need help, please see me sooner rather than later.

STEM Only: Please check your tab of the blog later today to find your R&J GIS project sheet. I will go over this in more detail tomorrow in class, but you should be familiar with it before coming to class on Wednesday!

Finally, please make sure you turn in the worksheet you were given yesterday over Romeo & Juliet Act 3 Scene 2 - this is for a grade, and many of you need these extra grade opportunities. Hang in there guys, we're almost there!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Monday, December 9, 2019

Good morning!

We're back into "R&J" today, so let's start with a quick quiz over what we watched Friday. If you weren't here, the notes are posted in Google Classroom. Please make sure to get a blank notes sheet from Mrs. Keith and fill in what you missed.

Click HERE to take the quiz, then open up "Romeo & Juliet Act 3 Scene 2" in Google Classroom and prepare for the day. I'm going to need a few people to read as Juliet and a few people to read as Nurse, so start thinking about which role you may want to read as.

If you're absent today, please make sure you take the quiz on your own time. You'll also want to read the text (specifically, the right-hand column where the language is more modern) so you don't fall behind in the story.

Homework: Tonight, you'll need to make sure to complete the Act 3.2 Worksheet passed out in class. If you are absent, please see Mrs. Keith to get this sheet as soon as you return.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday, December 6, 2019

Good morning!

Today we will be viewing the balcony scene we read in class yesterday, as well as a portion of the story leading up to what we will read tomorrow. Please grab a notes sheet from the front of the room and be prepared to take notes as you watch today.

If you're absent today, please make sure to get a blank copy of the notes from Mrs. Keith when you return; the notes for today will be posted in Google Classroom so you can catch up on what you missed.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Good morning!

We're back into "R&J" today, so let's start with a quick quiz over what we watched yesterday.

Click HERE to take the quiz, then open up "Romeo & Juliet Act 2 Scene 2" in Google Classroom and prepare for the day. I'm going to need a few people to read as Romeo and a few people to read as Juliet, so start thinking about which role you may want to read as.

If you're absent today, please make sure you take the quiz on your own time. You'll also want to read the text (specifically, the right-hand column where the language is more modern) so you don't fall behind in the story.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Good morning!

It's time for us to start reading "Romeo & Juliet"! Today's the day!

If you were not able to login to the CommonLit assignment from yesterday, it has been fixed. Please get your answer sheets out of the turn-in drawer and put your answers into the CommonLit assignment posted in Google Classroom. This is due no later than Friday, December 6!

Before we get into the text, there are a few notes we need to go over. Please get out your binder/notebook for English class and something to write with, then open this link to the text. Once you've done that, close your computer (leaving the text open) and wait quietly at your seat.

If you are absent today, you'll be able to find the notes posted in Google Classroom. You'll also want to read the text (specifically, the right-hand column where the language is more modern) so you don't fall behind in the story. Also, you'll want to check out these notes about Shakespeare's 5-Act Play.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Today I will be in Nashville on a field trip with Student Government, so you have a sub. However, please know that I have eyes in the classroom today and know what's going on even when I'm out.

We're going to step away from "R&J" for a moment today and look at how Shakespeare is used in modern-day life (it's not just for English class and the theater!).

To start off, please watch this EdPuzzle video and complete the questions.

When you're done, login to Google Classroom and click on the CommonLit link. You'll be taken through an article that relates to the EdPuzzle video, with guided questions and a quiz at the end. Please complete ALL steps of the CommonLit before class tomorrow - this is for a grade.

What you don't finish in class today becomes homework, so stay focused and do your work.

And yes, I will know if you're on YouTube, Minecraft, Amazon, etc. The ONLY websites you should be accessing are the blog, EdPuzzle, Google Classroom, and CommonLit; anything else can get you a referral, so don't risk it.

HONORS/STEM: There are 3 extended-response questions posted in Google Classroom. Please answer these on a separate sheet of paper and bring them to class tomorrow. Remember, an extended response has a minimum of 5 sentences and always restates the question before answering it.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Monday, December 2, 2019

Welcome back! Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving break, and you're feeling ready to jump into "Romeo & Juliet."

Today, to give us some background information about the text, we are going to be looking at some key elements from "R&J" through a webquest.

First, though, I need you to fill out the first 2 columns (what we know, what we want to know) about "R&J" on this KWL chart. Once you've done that, you can click this link to access the webquest and wait for Mrs. Keith to give you the worksheet that goes with it.

Made with Padlet

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving, ladies and gentlemen!

Every year, I'm reminded of why I love my job. Yes, there are days where I feel like no one is listening to me, I'm not doing enough to teach you guys about English, or I question if you guys even care about what I'm doing for 45 minutes at the front of the room. However, there are days where I see one of you finally catch on to something I've been trying to teach you for weeks! Days where the same kid who never comes prepared to class or follows the directions on the board does both without any prompting! Moments where I see you connect with something I'm teaching and I know that maybe, just maybe, you might walk out of class not hating English today!

You guys have no idea how much I appreciate you, too. Y'all have been more than understanding about family things that have kept me out of the classroom, and when you ask how my kids are doing, it warms my heart. Your crazy sense of humor makes me laugh (even if it also makes me roll my eyes!), your attempts to participate in my sometimes-ridiculous activities, even the moments when you humor me and "laugh" at my horrible jokes - it all makes me love my job, even on the hard days!

So this year, I'm thankful for YOU. Each and every single one of you (even the ones who skip my class, or sleep instead of working, and even the ones who give me attitude - I'm thankful for you).

I hope today is filled with good food and an even better full-belly nap! Enjoy your long weekend and I'll see you back here Monday morning. Happy Thanksgiving!

-Mrs. Keith

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Today we will be finishing our District Writing Assessment. All materials needed will be provided to you in the classroom except something to write with (blue/black pen or pencil only).

If you are absent today, you will complete the test when you come back. Everyone will have 2 full class periods to take your test.

Stay focused - we're only one day away from a nice break! 🦃

Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

Today we will be starting our District Writing Assessment. All materials needed will be provided to you in the classroom except something to write with (blue/black pen or pencil only).

You will have today and tomorrow to take your test.

If you are absent today, you will start the test when you come back. Everyone will have 2 full class periods to take your test.

Stay focused - we're only a few days away from a nice break! 🦃

Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

It's rubric day! 

Today, we will use the following rubric to score your essay. As you come in, you'll need to get a copy of the small rubric and the large rubric from the front shelf, then staple them to your essay and outline. Put your name on the line that says "Author's Name" of the small rubric and turn it into the blue tray at the front of the room.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Today our focus is getting the body paragraphs and conclusion of our essay completed. If you are working from home today, please know that you should be using your outline from Tuesday to help you write the rest of your essay.

Your completed essay is due tomorrow at the start of class. We will be using the rubrics to grade each others' papers and do some self-assessment of your essay, so it's vital you have the essay done when you come to class on Thursday.

Can't wait to see your amazing essays!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Today we will continue working on our essays. You will be using your outlines and introductory paragraph that you wrote yesterday to begin writing body paragraphs 2 and 3, which will be due tomorrow (Thursday). We will also be using the RACE format to practice effectively inserting text evidence into our writing and using it to support our claim. 

If you are absent today, please use your outline from yesterday to write body paragraph 2 (about Sonnet 29 and how it shows envy and love) and body paragraph 3 (Dark Side of Social Media and how it shows envy and love) on the sheet of notebook paper you wrote your introductory paragraph on. When you come to class on Thursday, you will need all 3 of those paragraphs complete (5-7 sentences using text evidence with the RACE format we discussed last week).\

If you are interested in signing up for afterschool tutoring, please click the following link and complete the form: (note: this is not tutoring with Mrs. Keith, but with various teachers/counselors in the library several days a week).

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The rest of this week, we will be working hard on our comparison essays using "Sonnet 29" and "The Dark Side of Social Media." Today, we will be focused on deconstructing an essay prompt and writing an outline based around a claim.

We completed the outline on paper in class today, but if you need a copy of the outline to complete at home, you can find it posted as a PDF in Google Classroom. You will need to print it off and complete it for class on Wednesday, as we will be using this completed outline to write our essay rough drafts on Wednesday and Thursday.  Friday, we will be using the scoring rubric to score your essay and reflect on your writing in class in preparation for your District Writing Assessment that you will take on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

A couple housekeeping notes for this week:

  • Keep an eye on the Late Work Board by my desk and make sure if you have a missing assignment you're turning it in with a late slip before the late period closes
  • Vocab Project Grades will go in sometime in the next 2 weeks
  • It is your responsibility (not mine) to check PowerSchool, watch for what you've got missing, get that missing work, complete it, and turn it in on-time. Per the KHS policy, you should be checking PowerSchool twice a day.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Monday, November 18, 2019

Today you will be focused solely on completing IXL. You have 9 skills that have been assigned to you between September 7 and October 14; these skills are to all be at a 90 or better, as I have told you several times over the last few months. As I previously reminded you multiple times, I will be taking these for a grade this week.

These skills have been assigned as outside homework, with only one or two days of class-time devoted to completing them. Because of this, it has been your responsibility to complete these on your own outside of class as long-term homework.

The week has come. This week, I will be taking these 9 skills for a grade.  All skills must be at a 90 or better to get full credit.

If you have...
9 out of 9 skills - 27 points (100%)
8 out of 9 skills - 24 points (89%)
7 out of 9 skills - 21 points (78%)
6 out of 9 skills - 18 points (67%)
5 out of 9 skills - 15 points (56%)
4 out of 9 skills - 12 points (44%)
3 out of 9 skills - 9 points (33%)
2 out of 9 skills - 6 points (22%)
1 out of 9 skills - 3 points (11%)
0 out of 9 skills - 0 points (0%)

This is not an assignment that can be completed later with a late-slip; whatever you have completed at the time of grading is what you get. Make sure you are focused today and using your time in class today wisely!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday, November 15, 2019

Happy Friday, guys!

Today we are going to review the FATt sentences you created last night for homework, starting with #4 (the one about Sonnet 29 and "Dark Side of Social Media"). Please click this link and share your FATt sentence #4, then put your FATt sentence sheet into the drawer for grading (if it asks you to login, make sure to use your @students.cmcss Google account to do so).

Once you're done with that, get out your binder and something to write with and put your computer away; you won't need it for the remainder of class today.

And thanks to the wonderful behavior note from the sub for all my classes, THERE IS NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEKEND! 😄 Thanks for the great choices!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Good morning/afternoon!

Today, you have several things to get done today. Please make sure that you are 100% focused on what you are assigned to complete - we are running out of days to prepare for your district writing assessment. READ ALL THE STEPS BEFORE YOU BEGIN COMPLETING THEM. If you aren't managing your time well in class, you run the risk of giving yourself extra homework...

When I come back tomorrow:

  • All classes with a good note will get a reduced assignment over the weekend
  • All classes with a bad note will get extra homework over the weekend

The choice is yours...

1. Make sure you've got your binder, laptop, headphones, and something to write with. You'll need all 4 today.

2. Get out last night's homework; you'll need it to complete the bellringer.

3. Complete the bellringer by clicking this link and completing the questions

4. Turn your homework into the drawer once you've completed the Google Form.

5. Go to and use code FQJAS to complete the activity. You will need headphones for this.  You will also need to copy the information from the slides into your binder as notes. I will be checking these notes tomorrow for a grade. You also need to make sure you answer all questions and complete all activities - this is for a grade.

6. When you are done with the Nearpod (or you are on your way out of class if you didn't finish the Nearpod before the bell rings), please grab a copy of the FATt Sentences Practice for homwork. #1 and #3 have given you the FATt sentence - you need to figure out what each of the FATt components is. #2 and #4 have given you the FATt components and you need to write the sentence. Use your notes for reference if you need to.  If you are absent or forget this sheet, there will be a blank copy posted in Google Classroom for you to print out and complete on your own.

Before you come to class tomorrow, make sure you have completed the FATt Nearpod (with notes in your binder) and the FATt Sentence practice worksheet completely - I will be checking all for a grade.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Welcome back from the long weekend! Hope everyone is rested up and ready to get back to work.

Your district writing assessment is coming up in just under 2 weeks, so it's time for us to really buckle down and focus on how to write a strong essay.

Today, we're going to start with reviewing Sonnet 29 from last week. You'll need to get your notes from last week out and you can use them to take this quiz.

You'll also need to grab a copy of the text "The Dark Side of Social Media" from the front shelf to the left of the projection screen, as we will be reading and annotating this text today.

If you are absent today, you can find a digital copy of the text on Google Classroom, as well as pick up a paper copy in class tomorrow. Please make sure you've at least read the text and identified the central idea of it before coming to class tomorrow.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

Today, we will be looking at some of Shakespeare's sonnets. To prepare for our lesson today, please get a copy of the notes sheet from the front shelf of the classroom and fill in the following notes:

Sonnet: a Shakespearean poem made up of 14 lines

Characteristics of a sonnet:

  • 14 lines
  • 3 quatrains (4 lines each), 1 couplet (2 lines) at the end
  • Quatrain 1 and 2 → Presenting a problem or struggle of the writer
  • Quatrain 3 → Starts to explain solution to problem/struggle
  • Couplet → Wraps up the solution in a concise way

Also, remember that your vocabulary packet is due today by 2:30pm! You must have the activity choices stapled together with the project sheet on top (make sure you've filled out your name, period, and project choices on the sheet), then turn in to the drawer. Extra project sheets are on the shelf at the front of the room where they've been for the past week.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Today you have a text over the prologue of Romeo & Juliet based on the notes we took on Tuesday. Once the bell rings, I will start a 5-minute timer. You have from now until the timer goes off to study your notes for your test.

Good luck!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I know, I'm out again.

Except I'm not actually out. I'm down the hall. Which means I can pop in anytime to check on you, and I'm likely already watching you on LanSchool to make sure you're on task.

Don't even try today.

And you BETTER be in your assigned seat!

You've got 2 things you need to accomplish today:

(Note: If it says the video is banned, you are likely trying to watch without being logged into your account. If you are and it still won't work, either skip the video or watch on your shoulder partner's computer).

2. Complete the CommonLit assignment "Adolescence and the Teenage Crush" posted in Google Classroom. This assignment requires you to answer questions as the text goes along, as well as answer questions at the end of the text. You must answer all the questions before CommonLit will show me that it's completed, so make sure you take your time and answer everything. You can also use your headphones to listen to the text being read to you, but you absolutely may not be listening to music or anything else - ONLY the CommonLit text!

If you finish both of these assignments before the end of the period, you may use the remaining time to study for tomorrow's test over yesterday's prologue notes (see the blog post from yesterday if you were absent to find out what you missed and get those notes - you will be required to take the test tomorrow even if you forget to get the notes!), you can work on your vocabulary project, or you can work on your assigned IXL skills.

⇒Make sure you grab a copy of the Vocab Project Sheet off the shelf at the front of the room!⇐

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Today we're going to be covering the prologue of Romeo & Juliet. Remember, a prologue is like the exposition of a story; it gives us the following information:
-Backstory of what happened before the start of the play
-A short summary to foreshadow what might happen in the play

We are taking detailed notes today in class analyzing the prologue, as well as the characters of the story. You WILL have a test over these notes on Thursday, so if you missed class today you'll need to use the information posted here (and on Google Classroom) to fill in a blank copy of the notes, which you can find up on the front shelf next to the Vocab Project sheets.

⇒Make sure you grab a copy of the Vocab Project Sheet off the shelf at the front of the room!⇐

Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

Good morning and happy Monday! I'm home with a super sick kiddo today, so I expect nothing but the absolute best behavior while I'm gone. If I come back to your name written down by the sub for any kind of unacceptable behavior choices, please know that you have earned yourself a referral and a call home. It's not worth it - just sit quietly in your assigned seat, do your work, and don't act foolish.

Today, we are going to take our first look at a passage from Romeo & Juliet. We aren't ready to start reading the full text yet, but this is a good way for us to start interacting with the text before we jump in.

Today's assignment is an ActivelyLearn lesson looking at the famous balcony scene between Romeo and Juliet. We will be working on it in class today, but what you don't complete before the bell rings will become homework. This assignment is due tomorrow. If you use your time wisely in class, you should be able to leave today without any homework to complete! You must be logging into ActivelyLearn with your @students.cmcss account by clicking "Log in with Google" and selecting your @students.cmcss account. If it asks for a code, the code is listed in the assignment  link in Google Classroom.

Before we begin, we are going to do a little game using Shakespeare's language. Get out a piece of paper and number down the page 1-12.  You will be turning this paper in, so make sure your name (first and last) is on the top of the sheet. The winner of this game will get a prize!

A note about "Shakespeare's Life" ActivelyLearn revisions from last week: If you see that your grade for this assignment in PowerSchool is listed as "incomplete," you can complete a revision of your answers in ActivelyLearn. Once you have completed the revision of your answers using the feedback I've provided in ActivelyLearn, you'll need to click this link and submit a regrading request. I will not grade your revision until I receive the regrading request using this link. Both the revision and the regrading request must be completed before 2:30pm on Thursday, November 7 or the grade in PowerSchool will remain as it is now.

⇒Make sure you grab a copy of the Vocab Project Sheet off the shelf at the front of the room!⇐

Friday, November 1, 2019

Friday, November 1, 2019

It's finally Friday!

Today, you'll be finishing up your Villain Google Slides Presentation with your partner(s) that you started yesterday. Remember, this is due by 2:30pm today via Google Classroom.

A couple housekeeping notes to wrap up the week:

  • If you haven't already done so, the Romeo & Juliet Nearpod from Tuesday is due today by 2:30pm
  • Check the board by Mrs. Keith's desk (next to the week's agenda) for a list of what assignments can still be submitted for a grade, as well as the last day you can submit it. If an assignment is on this list, you MUST use a late slip to get it graded.  No late slip, no grade.
  • Please make sure you are bringing your computer and charger to class every single day. You will lose your Speaking & Listening points every day you come without your assigned computer (if you have not been assigned a computer or I have verified you've got a tech work order placed with Ms. Burlingame, you are exempt from this penalty)
  • If you are still without power at home and you are concerned about getting your English assignments done outside of school, please come see me (or email me) ASAP.
Once you've read all of this, please go ahead and open up your Google Slides and begin to work on it with your partner. Remember to use the slideshow posted on Google Classroom to see the requirements, rubric, and an example slideshow; there are also research links that you should be using to create your slideshow! Alright, get to work!

⇒Make sure you grab a copy of the Vocab Project Sheet off the shelf at the front of the room!⇐

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

If you have been absent the past 2 days, please check through Tuesday and Wednesday's blog posts - you have  Nearpod to complete before 2:30pm Friday!

Today we will be talking about villains! 😈 We are going to talk about what characteristics make up a "good" villain, what their motivation for evil is, and how their actions make them the villain of a story.

Today and tomorrow, you will also be creating a Google Slides presentation about an assigned Shakespeare villain (due tomorrow, Friday, November 1 at the end of class). Don't worry, there's no trick here, only treats - you do not have to present your presentation to the class, only create it!

Last note: There is a new project posted in Google Classroom called Shakespeare Vocabulary Menu Project. This is due Friday, November 8 and you will have to work on it outside of class.  I'll go over it more in detail today in class, but if you are/were absent today, please see me ASAP to find out what you need to do.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Good morning.  To those that did what was asked of them with the substitute yesterday, THANK YOU! Also, thank you to those who sent me an email to let me know the Nearpod videos weren't working.

However, I came back to notes from every period (except 1st - you guys rock!) about large numbers of students off-task and not doing the work. I understand we have extenuating circumstances right now, but you still know my expectations of your behavior when I am gone. To say I am disappointed is an understatement.

Today, you will be using our short class periods to complete yesterday's Nearpod. I have fixed the videos and everything should be working now. This Nearpod must be completed before you leave the room today, and it is for a grade. If it is not done before your class period is over, you will need to complete and turn in a late slip when you finish the Nearpod.

If you complete the Nearpod before the end of the period today, please login to IXL and work on your assigned Language Arts skills.

THERE IS TO BE ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING TODAY. If you are caught on anything except the Nearpod or IXL, I will be contacting home and putting in a referral. There is no sleeping in my classroom.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Good morning/afternoon, guys. Sorry I'm out today; I have multiple doctor appointments for my kids today. I knew that I would be out, but I was hoping I'd be able to tell you that in person yesterday. Hope everyone has power back at their house, and was safe during the storm!

I know all of you are going to be an absolutely wonderful representation of how I run my classroom and show Ms. Hartwig nothing but the utmost respect!

Today, you guys will be completing a Nearpod to learn about the prologue of Romeo & Juliet and how it could possibly show us a tragedy. You will need headphones for today's Nearpod.

This should take you the entire period. If you finish early, please log in to IXL and work on your assigned Language Arts skills (or finish your NoRedInk assessment if you didn't get to do it over the weekend due to the power outage - no late slip needed if you get it done before tomorrow). If you do not finish the Nearpod before the end of the period, it's due before you come to class tomorrow.

To access the Nearpod, please click this link. If prompted, it's code KDHNR. Make sure you're logged in using your @students.cmcss email address or it won't register that it's completed.

See you guys tomorrow!! 😊 -Mrs. Keith

Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019

Today you're going to be completing a diagnostic. The purpose of this is to tell me what parts of grammar and writing you guys are really good at (so I don't teach it and keep doing boring stuff you know) and what you guys could use a little more help with before we have your scored writing assessment next month.

The more you actually try on this diagnostic, the better you'll make my teaching.

That means I need you to actually give each question your very best effort, not just rush through to get it done as fast as possible. If I feel like you've rushed through your test (yes I can see how long it takes you and how long you spend on each question) I will reset the test and have you take it again after school with me one day next week.

To access the diagnostic, follow the steps below:

Click the NoRedInk link posted in Google Classroom and open the webpage

Click on the blue box that says "Sign up as a student"

Type the code  for your class into the box:
1st period: super plant 37
2nd period: another game 88
3rd period: fun phone 84
4th period: cool purse 58
5th period: deep map 30
6th period: unique nickel 98

Make sure the box says your correct English class period, then click "Sign up with Google."
Choose your @students.cmcss account

Select your gender (f you're comfortable)

Choose things that are of interest to you (books, movies, TV shows, music, athletes/sports, etc.) until the green bar fills all the way up. This helps NoRedInk give you questions and activities based on things that are actually interesting to you.

 Click on the "Practice Q's" diagnostic (the blue circle with the white play button triangle) to start the diagnostic.

Click "Let's Go!" and start your diagnostic!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Happy Thursday!

As you have probably noticed, I'm not here today. I have a very capable substitute that does not need your help unless they ask for it. I know I don't need to say this, but I PROMISE if you act with anything less than total respect, IT WILL GO DOWN when I return. But I know I won't have to worry about that, because you guys are going to be angels while I'm gone today. 😃

Today, you've got 2 assignments to complete in class today.

1.  Please complete the following EdPuzzle (click here) called "There Is No Escaping Shakespeare"
2.  When done, please login to ActivelyLearn using the following steps.  There is an assignment posted called "Shakespeare's Life" that needs to be read and completed in its entirety.
3.  If you complete both of those activities, please login to IXL and work on getting a 90 or better for each of the assigned skills (the ones highlighted with a gold star)

How to Login to Actively Learn
  • Go to Google Classroom
  • Find the assignment "Shakespeare's Life" and click the link
  • If it asks you to login to ActivelyLearn, make sure you login using Google Classroom and use your @students.cmcss email
Both of the assignments (EdPuzzle and ActivelyLearn article) will be taken for a grade and should be completed before the end of the class period.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Today we will be completing the Nearpod that we started yesterday together.

If you were not here yesterday, please quietly ask a neighbor for the basic information that we covered.

Everyone, please click here to access the Nearpod and have it loaded and ready to go before the bell rings.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Today we are starting our new unit for N2 - Romeo & Juliet. Stop rolling your eyes and groaning, I promise I'll do my best to make it fun and interesting.

I said stop groaning.

It'll be fun, I promise! 😄

First though, please log in to Google Classroom and answer the short response question I posted to get your minds thinking about Shakespeare.

Today we will be completing a Nearpod together. Once you have answered the question in Google Classroom, please click here to access the Nearpod.

If you were absent today, please click here to access the Nearpod and complete it on your own, then turn in a late slip so I can grade it.  

Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday, October 21, 2019

Welcome back from Fall Break! I hope everyone had a chance to relax a little and have some fun. Thank you guys for your patience with grading - things have been updated and everything has been put in if you haven't already checked it.

To start the new grading period, Mrs. Karls is going to come in and talk to you today about grades, your GPA, and setting SMART Goals for your academic success.

In preparation for that, please complete the following steps:

  1. Go to PowerSchool and check your grade for N1. When you login, you will see that it's automatically going to show you your N2 grades. In the upper corner, where it says N2, click the dropdown arrow and select N1 instead.  Remember your letter grade AND your percentage.
  2. Go to this Google Form and answer the questions based on your N1 grade in PowerSchool
  3. Put your laptop away and wait quietly

Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday, October 11, 2019

Today is the last day of the first grading period. All missing work must be turned in with a late slip by 2:30pm today or it will remain a 0 in the gradebook.

Final Grades: Teachers do not have to have grades updated and finalized until October 21. Over Fall Break, I have family coming in from out-of-state to visit while we celebrate my daughter's first birthday. I will not be working on grades until after Tuesday, October 15 and will not have grades ready to be finalized until Sunday, October 20. If you do not see your grade updated with late work that you turned in, please be patient. All late work will be updated on/before October 20.

Email over Fall Break: I will be checking email intermittently over Fall Break due to spending time with my family. If you email me, I may not respond immediately; I will do my best to respond within 48 hours unless you are emailing me to ask when your grade will be updated. If you ask about updating a grade, I will not respond as I have already answered this in the paragraph above.

I hope that everyone has an amazing week off: spend time with friends and family, sleep in, relax, watch some good movies, play video games, read a book, and enjoy having the week to yourself!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Today, all students are taking Part 2 of the Benchmark Test. If you are absent today, you must schedule a time with Mrs. Keith to take this test as soon as possible.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Today, all students are taking Part 1 of the Benchmark Test. If you are absent today, you must schedule a time with Mrs. Keith to take this test as soon as possible.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Today we are going to be working through a review activity for the Benchmark. Remember, you will take Part 1 of the test tomorrow and Part 2 of the test on Thursday.

This review is intended to familiarize you with the kinds of questions that you will see on the Benchmark. These are not the texts you will see on your test, nor are these the exact questions. However, this will give you an idea of what kind of questions you will see and what is expected of you. Please use your copy of the review to help you prepare and study for the test.

If you were absent, you can find the Newsela Review Activity posted in Google Classroom.

The link to the review Nearpod is here (use the code IPMNA if it asks). You'll need to write the answers on a sheet of notebook paper, as the questions are not interactive.

You can also study the following skills on IXL to help you practice for tomorrow's test:

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday, October 7, 2019

Welcome to the last week of the grading period!

I know that with it the week before Fall Break, it's easy to "check out" and stop focusing on class.  However, we have a busy week and we need to make sure we are focused on giving 100% all week to finish out the nine weeks strong.

Monday (Honors/General): Point of View/Perspective looking at The Odyssey Book 9 (Cyclops tale)
Monday (STEM): Landfill Harmonic
Tuesday: Review for the Benchmark test
Wednesday: English Benchmark Test, part 1
Thursday: English Benchmark Test, part 2
Friday (Honors/General): The Odyssey video comparison
Friday (STEM): Landfill Harmonic

We do have a Benchmark Test this week. This is important - your score on this test sets up the expectation for your academic success this year in English. Please make sure you are utilizing the study guide and review activities we will be doing this week. Your Benchmark will be on the computer, so please make sure you bring your computer and charger to class all week.

Also, this week I will be reaching out to the parents of all students who are failing (or close to failing) English I this nine weeks. If there is anything listed as "missing" in PowerSchool, you have until Friday, October 11 at 2:30pm to submit those assignments for credit. You must also submit a late slip by 2:30pm on Friday, October 11 in order to receive credit for those late assignments. No exceptions. It is your responsibility to check your missing work, ask for the assignments from Mrs. Keith, and turn them in with a late slip before the 2:30pm deadline on Friday, October 11.

Now that you have read through the important notes for this week, please get out your class binder and open up to the next blank sheet of notebook paper. We will be taking notes today.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Happy Thursday! Today we will be looking at Book 14 of The Odyssey. You will need your binder and something to write with since we will be taking notes. You'll also need to open up the PDF document in Google Classroom called "The Odyssey Book 14" and have it ready to go.

If you are absent today, you need to make sure that you get the notes from today's activity from a classmate. This is material that will likely show up on your midterm, so it's very important that you don't miss these notes and this reading passage. It is your responsibility to get this done.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Before we get into our lesson, though, please go check Google Classroom for a quick bellringer activity based on Books 10-12. You can not use anything to help you on this bellringer, just what you remember from our group work on these books.

Today we are going to be doing a practice test in Performance Matters. This is NOT for a grade, but simply a chance for you to play around in Performance Matters, see how your tests are going to be set up for the remainder of the year, and make sure everything is working on your computer with the testing program.

I will only give you 10 minutes to complete the practice test. Once done, you'll need to log in to IXL for the rest of the period.

If you have not completed the diagnostic, you must complete that first. Check PowerSchool for the IXL Diagnostic assessment grade - if it's a 0 and says "missing" you must do the diagnostic in class today. No exceptions.

For those of you asking, I will explain why some of you saw your grades suddenly drop yesterday afternoon. If you haven't already done so, you may see in PowerSchool that there is a new assignment called "IXL Diagnostic" which is a 30 point assessment. If you have not yet completed the diagnostic (meaning every single language arts skill shows a score with a star symbol) then you need to complete that on your own time outside of class before Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 11:59pm. As soon as you have completed that, it will show on my end and I will change your grade to a 30/30 (100%). This is a district-required assessment that all students must complete. We have already spent 3 different days devoted to completing this diagnostic, as well as random shorter periods of class time to work on it. At this time, it is now your responsibility to complete it outside of class on your own (at home, during homeroom, etc.).

Monday, September 30, 2019

Monday, September 30, 2019

Hope you've had a great weekend!

This week is Homecoming, and I know everyone is excited for the fun things going on for Spirit Week. This week will have an altered schedule, as well, due to National ACT Day and Friday's HoCo Spirit Day.  Here's what the week looks like:

Monday: Regular Schedule, Spooky Wear Spirit Day
Tuesday: Adjusted Schedule due to ACT, Class Colors Day (Freshmen wear green!)
*Students will only report to 1st, 6th, and 7th period*
Wednesday: Regular Schedule, Wacky Tacky Halloween Wear Wednesday Spirit Day
Thursday: Regular Schedule, Knightmare Before Halloween Spirit Day
Friday: No Regular Classes due to Pep Rally/Parade/Field Day, Blackout Spirit Day for the Pep Rally
*Students will go to 1st period for attendance, then be released for on-campus HoCo activities*

Today in English class, we will be finishing up all of our group work for The Odyssey, Books 10-12. You will be expected to teach your original small group about either Book 10, 11, or 12 (whichever one you studied in the large group on Thursday). Please be prepared for today's lesson by reviewing what your assigned Book was about. You will have access to the posters you created last week, as well.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Happy Picture Day!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Join the Freshman Google Classroom

Please click this link and use the following code to join the Freshman Google Classroom. You will use this Classroom to submit personal photos for the yearbook, vote for Homecoming Court, stay up-to-date on various Freshman Class news, and have access to things that are specific to your graduating class. You will use this Classroom through graduation!


Thursday, September 26, 2019

All classes will be participating in a group activity this week to read and learn about Books 10-12 of The Odyssey. If you are absent today, please make sure to read the Book 10-12 PDF posted in Google Classroom. You will need this background information in order to understand the activity we do on Friday. I would also recommend answering the following questions for each book in your own notebook to help you understand what you've read:

1. How does Odysseus approach the start of this trial?

2. What trial does he face?

3. How does Odysseus' pride affect the outcome of the trial?

4. What does it show us about his character?

5. How does this trial set up the next trial on his journey?

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

All classes will be participating in a group activity this week to read and learn about Books 10-12 of The Odyssey. If you are absent today, please make sure to read the Book 9 PDF posted in Google Classroom to refresh your memory of what we read on Monday.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

I apologize for being out today. I had an emergency come up (yes everyone is okay!) this morning; I had no intention of being out today at all.  However, I expect nothing but the absolute BEST behavior while I am out.

Your class may be in the library today, or it may be in our classroom with a sub. Either way, you have work to do on the computer. This should be the ONLY thing you are doing in class today - absolutely no games, music, videos, or other websites. Doing any of those (or sleeping) will be given a referral and I will be contacting home. For some of you, that may ruin your eligibility to go on the field trip, participate in homecoming or sports, etc.

Today, you need to log in to IXL through ClassLink (click those words to open ClassLink). You will then login to IXL by clicking the app that looks like this:

Once logged in, you will see in the upper right corner a link that says "Teacher Suggested Skills." Click on this and you will see that I have assigned you 5 different ELA skills to work on; you may also see some math skills your math teacher has assigned. You should choose one of those skills and begin to work your way through it. If you finish, move on to the next skill. To work through all 5 skills, it should take you the entire class period. If you finish early, go to your diagnostic page and clock "recommended skills" to work on those. You should not be doing anything outside of IXL at any point during the class period. No exceptions.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Monday, September 23, 2019

Happy Monday! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Please check your class tab for further instructions.

Also, a few housekeeping notes:

  • When you complete a late slip, you need to put the date you submitted the late slip on the slip, NOT the date you completed the assignment. You must have the late slip submitted within the 2-week late window to receive a grade.
  • Permission slips and money (or fee waiver) must be turned in by this Thursday, September 26. It is first-come, first-serve and no one is guaranteed a spot on the field trip. 
  • For those of you questioning the dress code portion of the permission slip, here are some examples of what's appropriate: TPAC Dress Code

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday, September 18, 2019

Today, all classes will be learning some background information about "The Odyssey" before we begin reading it together next week.  You will be completing a Nearpod with guided notes. This Nearpod involves listening to a teacher present the information, so headphones will be necessary. If you do not have a computer, please pair up with someone directly next to you to complete this activity.

This lesson should take you all of the class period. If you do not complete it during class, it is your responsibility to finish it at home tonight for homework. Your notes will be due at the start of class tomorrow.

Please remember...

To access the Nearpod, please click this link. If you are prompted for a code, it is HNTGL.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Today we will be taking notes in class (General/Honors: Hero's Journey; STEM: How to set up an essay). If you were absent, please check Google Classroom for copies of these notes.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Yes I'm out today. Ya'll better be on your ABSOLUTE BEST BEHAVIOR for this sweet sub! But I know I don't have to worry about that, right...?

Today you've got some independent work to do.  This work should take you the entire class period, and should be turned in before you leave class today.


Please check your class tab for specific details to your assignments! See you guys tomorrow!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend!

If you haven't already done so, read the Sunday Announcements post I put up yesterday; it explains exactly how to upload assignments to Google Classroom. You can also find this information in the tab at the top of the blog.

Today we are going to be starting our Greek Mythology unit. This unit will take us all the way to Fall Break next month, and will cover information that will be on your Benchmark test this grading period. 

Please check your individual tabs for today's instructions.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday Announcements - How to Upload to Google Classroom

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  As I've been doing grading this weekend, I've come across a lot of you who have submitted empty assignments to Google Classroom; you've submitted the assignment, but it's blank and none of your answers are there. Instead of taking a 0 for this, I'm guessing it was a technology glitch and just marking it as missing. You'll need to fix it and resubmit it with a late slip before the 2-week late window for that assignment closes.

Please remember that it is YOUR responsibility to double (or triple!) check that you have attached and submitted the correct version of the assignment on Google Classroom.  To help, here is a step-by-step guide for you to reference when you forget how to submit on Google Classroom:

STEP 1: Go into Google Classroom and click the "Classwork" tab at the top of the page
STEP 2: Locate the assignment and click "View Assignment"
STEP 3: Once the assignment is open, click "+Add or Create"
STEP 4: Decide where to find the assignment. If you completed in in Google Docs or you saved it to your Google Drive, click "Google Drive." If you completed it in Lumin or another program on your computer and downloaded it or saved it, click "File."
If you are looking in Google Drive, you'll need to browse through your Google Drive files and locate it there, then click "Add"
If you have it saved or downloaded to your computer, you'll need to click "Select files from your device," then locate them on your computer (if you've downloaded it from Lumin or another program, it automatically saves in your Downloads folder on your computer). Once you select the file and it's listed here, click "Upload."
STEP 5: Once you see the document listed under "Your Work," click on it and double/triple check that it's the correct one - whatever you see when you click on that is exactly what I will see when I go to grade it; if it's not the correct document or assignment, click the "X" and return to step 4 to locate the correct document. Once you are sure it's the correct document, click "Turn In."
STEP 6: It will ask you to verify you want to turn in your work. Double-check the document you've attached is listed, then click "Turn in" in the bottom corner.

Friday, September 13, 2019

September 13, 2019

HAPPY EARLY RELEASE DAY!  (Teachers love it just as much as you guys do!)

Today we are watching the film 2081, which is a cinematographic version of "Harrison Bergeron." As we watch, we will be looking for similarities and differences. Students will be expected to complete a compare/contrast worksheet, which includes a writing response, for a grade.

Any student who is absent today will need to watch this movie using THIS LINK and complete the worksheet on their own (see Mrs. Keith for the worksheet).

Enjoy the extra time this weekend, and I'll see you back here bright and early Monday morning! 😃

Thursday, September 12, 2019

September 12, 2019

Today all classes are completing the Common Unit Assessment. Any student who is absent will need to see Mrs. Keith as soon as possible to schedule a time to complete the test. This MUST be completed on/before October 1.

Also, a friendly reminder: You only have 2 weeks past a due date to complete the assignment and turn it in with a late slip for partial credit. Once that 2 week window closes, the grade will remain a 0 in PowerSchool. If you completed the assignment but turn in the late slip after the 2 week window closes, the grade will remain a 0 in PowerSchool, per my grading policy. Please make sure you are completing all work on time, and any late work is accompanied by a late slip!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

September 11, 2019

Today in class, we completed a review game in preparation for the Common Unit Assessment all students will take on Thursday.

STEM and Honors: Don't forget your narrative writing assignment is due tonight by 11:59pm via Google Classroom.

September 10, 2019

Good morning/afternoon!

Today we will be taking a deeper look at "Harrison Bergeron" and the major themes using the Theme Tracker you completed last night for homework (can be found on Google Classroom).  We will be working through this activity together, but if you were absent today you'll need to complete it on your own (GENERAL ENGLISH ONLY, not STEM or honors).  Check Google Classroom for the assignment.

Monday, September 9, 2019

September 9, 2019

Today we will be finishing up our reading of Harrison Bergeron, as well as completing our Theme Tracker. Please open up both the text and the Theme Tracker from yesterday. You'll likely need to access the Theme Tracker through Google Drive.

As we read today, think about what we know about irony:

  • It's when you expect one thing but the opposite happens
  • It makes YOU FEEL a specific way in response to the irony (is this mood or tone?)
  • How is the author using irony to tell you about their opinion of the topic (is this mood or tone?)
General, Honors, and STEM: Please check your tab for tonight's homework

Friday, September 6, 2019

September 6, 2019

Please pull up your homework from last night. You'll need to submit it on Google Classroom. Once you've submitted it, please get out your notebook.

We will be reading Harrison Bergeron together this week, so you'll also need to have the text open and ready to go on Google Classroom, as well as the assignment called 'HB Theme Tracker.' Please have both open on your computer before Mrs. Keith starts teaching.

ALL CLASSES: Please check your tab to find tonight's homework assignment.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

September 5, 2019

Today we are looking at how to use context clues to figure out what a word means.  To get started, please copy the following sentence into your notebook:

Sam opened the smoggetish to look for something to drink and stood there with the door open. "Close the door!" yelled his mother. "You're letting all of the cold air out!"

Based on what you've read, what do you think a "smoggetish" is? Write that in your notebook.

Once you've done that, turn to a fresh sheet of notebook paper and make your notebook sheet look like this, then wait quietly:

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September 3, 2019

Hope you had a great long weekend!

This week, all of my classes will be taking the IXL diagnostic test. This is required of all students in the district, and we must have it completed this week.  We will spend smaller portions of class this week completing the test in class. You DO NOT need to complete this outside of the classroom.

To get into the test, please follow these directions:

Open ClassLink on your laptop. You should see a screen that looks similar to this:
Click "Login." If it doesn't automatically login, use your CMCSS login credentials to login:
  • Username: (XXX = last 3 of lunch number)
  • Password: use the same password you use for logging into your computer
You should now see a screen that looks similar to this:

Click on the IXL icon:

It may ask you to login to IXL the first time you access the page. If it does, either login with Google (make sure you're using your account ONLY!), or use your CMCSS login credentials:

  • Username: (XXX = last 3 of lunch number)
  • Password: use the same password you use for logging into your computer

Once you have IXL opened on your computer, you'll need to access the Diagnostic. You're going to answer questions, some of which may seem too easy while others seem too hard. That's okay! When you get a question right, it'll ask you a slightly harder question; when you get one wrong, the next question will be slightly easier. The goal is to see exactly where your skills in English currently are.

This is important: If it asks you a question that you haven't learned yet, you NEED to click the "I haven't learned this yet" option in the bottom corner of the question! Don't attempt to answer it if you truly have never been taught this!

Please click on the diagnostic tool, which looks like a little circus arena:
It should offer you a few questions to choose from. Before you choose a question, you must make sure you are ONLY taking the English diagnostic! In the upper right corner next to the diagnostic arena logo, please make sure that you select the BOOK. If at any time you start getting math-based questions, please raise your hand and ask for assistance.

You will take this diagnostic for the entire class period today. If you need a thinking break, stop and take a moment; however, you should NOT be on any other websites or working on any other activities during this time.