Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday, February 28, 2020

Today, we will wrap up our argumentative/rhetoric unit by looking at a really important topic that I know related directly to a lot of students here at KHS.

To get things started, we are going to complete an EdPuzzle video together. Please pull out a sheet of paper and something to write with. We will watch the video together, but you'll be answering the questions on your paper. Make sure you write your first and last name at the top of the page.

Once we've watched the video, there are 2 Actively Learn articles you will work on today. To access ActivelyLearn, please go to The Apps (ClassLink) and click the ActivelyLearn app at the top of the page (it looks like a bunch of white triangles on a blue square). There are 2 readings assigned to you: "Vaping is an Urgent Threat to Public Health" and "Outbreak of Lung Disease, Including5 Deaths, Tied to E-Cigarettes."

If you are absent today, you'll need to complete the 2 ActivelyLearn readings on your own. Both readings are due by 11:59pm Sunday night.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Today you are taking your District Writing Assessment.

If you started your test yesterday, today is the last day to take it.

If you were absent yesterday, you will start your test today and finish it tomorrow.

If you are absent today, you will finish your test tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Today you are taking your District Writing Assessment. This is a 2-day test and you will finish it tomorrow.

If you are absent today, you will begin your test tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Since the practice ACT test is happening today, you'll be spending today in your 1st-period class until lunchtime. During this time, you have a few things to work on in preparation for your District Writing Assessment tomorrow.

First: Please go to Google Classroom and answer the writing prompt. This should be completed using a minimum of 3 complete paragraphs (5-7 sentences per paragraph) and submitted on Google Classroom when complete.

Next: Please go to Google Classroom and complete the CommonLit assignment "Life Isn't Fair - Deal With It." You will need to read that article and annotate it for the author's claim and 3 pieces of text evidence that support the claim, then answer all the questions.

Finally: If you finish both of those and you have extra time, please work on your assigned IXL skills. Those are due Friday at 2:30pm (absolutely NO late IXL skills will be accepted since you've had almost 2 months to complete them).

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

Good morning and happy Monday! It's District Writing Assessment week (try to contain your excitement 😑) so today will be spent looking at the exact rubric that will be used to grade your DWA. Today in class, you'll read an exemplar (sample) essay and use a rubric to score the essay. 

We're doing this because I want you guys to be super familiar with what's expected to score a 4 on your essays. Each one of you (yes YOU!) is capable of writing a level-4 essay on your DWA and one of the best ways to prepare is to study the rubric. What you do in class today is due at the end of class; you will NOT take this home for homework.

If you are absent today, you do not need to make-up this assignment. Instead, click here to take a look at the rubric on your own. You'll want to focus on the 4-column for each of the listed categories. 

Tomorrow is ACT practice test day and you'll be spending the morning in your 1st period class while the upper classmen take their test. During this time, you will have 2 assignments posted in Google Classroom and on the blog that you'll need to complete. If you finish those and there is still time leftover, you should be working on your assigned IXL skills since those are due this week.