Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday, November 15, 2019

Happy Friday, guys!

Today we are going to review the FATt sentences you created last night for homework, starting with #4 (the one about Sonnet 29 and "Dark Side of Social Media"). Please click this link and share your FATt sentence #4, then put your FATt sentence sheet into the drawer for grading (if it asks you to login, make sure to use your @students.cmcss Google account to do so).

Once you're done with that, get out your binder and something to write with and put your computer away; you won't need it for the remainder of class today.

And thanks to the wonderful behavior note from the sub for all my classes, THERE IS NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEKEND! 😄 Thanks for the great choices!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Good morning/afternoon!

Today, you have several things to get done today. Please make sure that you are 100% focused on what you are assigned to complete - we are running out of days to prepare for your district writing assessment. READ ALL THE STEPS BEFORE YOU BEGIN COMPLETING THEM. If you aren't managing your time well in class, you run the risk of giving yourself extra homework...

When I come back tomorrow:

  • All classes with a good note will get a reduced assignment over the weekend
  • All classes with a bad note will get extra homework over the weekend

The choice is yours...

1. Make sure you've got your binder, laptop, headphones, and something to write with. You'll need all 4 today.

2. Get out last night's homework; you'll need it to complete the bellringer.

3. Complete the bellringer by clicking this link and completing the questions

4. Turn your homework into the drawer once you've completed the Google Form.

5. Go to and use code FQJAS to complete the activity. You will need headphones for this.  You will also need to copy the information from the slides into your binder as notes. I will be checking these notes tomorrow for a grade. You also need to make sure you answer all questions and complete all activities - this is for a grade.

6. When you are done with the Nearpod (or you are on your way out of class if you didn't finish the Nearpod before the bell rings), please grab a copy of the FATt Sentences Practice for homwork. #1 and #3 have given you the FATt sentence - you need to figure out what each of the FATt components is. #2 and #4 have given you the FATt components and you need to write the sentence. Use your notes for reference if you need to.  If you are absent or forget this sheet, there will be a blank copy posted in Google Classroom for you to print out and complete on your own.

Before you come to class tomorrow, make sure you have completed the FATt Nearpod (with notes in your binder) and the FATt Sentence practice worksheet completely - I will be checking all for a grade.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Welcome back from the long weekend! Hope everyone is rested up and ready to get back to work.

Your district writing assessment is coming up in just under 2 weeks, so it's time for us to really buckle down and focus on how to write a strong essay.

Today, we're going to start with reviewing Sonnet 29 from last week. You'll need to get your notes from last week out and you can use them to take this quiz.

You'll also need to grab a copy of the text "The Dark Side of Social Media" from the front shelf to the left of the projection screen, as we will be reading and annotating this text today.

If you are absent today, you can find a digital copy of the text on Google Classroom, as well as pick up a paper copy in class tomorrow. Please make sure you've at least read the text and identified the central idea of it before coming to class tomorrow.