Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

Today, we will be looking at some of Shakespeare's sonnets. To prepare for our lesson today, please get a copy of the notes sheet from the front shelf of the classroom and fill in the following notes:

Sonnet: a Shakespearean poem made up of 14 lines

Characteristics of a sonnet:

  • 14 lines
  • 3 quatrains (4 lines each), 1 couplet (2 lines) at the end
  • Quatrain 1 and 2 → Presenting a problem or struggle of the writer
  • Quatrain 3 → Starts to explain solution to problem/struggle
  • Couplet → Wraps up the solution in a concise way

Also, remember that your vocabulary packet is due today by 2:30pm! You must have the activity choices stapled together with the project sheet on top (make sure you've filled out your name, period, and project choices on the sheet), then turn in to the drawer. Extra project sheets are on the shelf at the front of the room where they've been for the past week.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Today you have a text over the prologue of Romeo & Juliet based on the notes we took on Tuesday. Once the bell rings, I will start a 5-minute timer. You have from now until the timer goes off to study your notes for your test.

Good luck!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I know, I'm out again.

Except I'm not actually out. I'm down the hall. Which means I can pop in anytime to check on you, and I'm likely already watching you on LanSchool to make sure you're on task.

Don't even try today.

And you BETTER be in your assigned seat!

You've got 2 things you need to accomplish today:

(Note: If it says the video is banned, you are likely trying to watch without being logged into your account. If you are and it still won't work, either skip the video or watch on your shoulder partner's computer).

2. Complete the CommonLit assignment "Adolescence and the Teenage Crush" posted in Google Classroom. This assignment requires you to answer questions as the text goes along, as well as answer questions at the end of the text. You must answer all the questions before CommonLit will show me that it's completed, so make sure you take your time and answer everything. You can also use your headphones to listen to the text being read to you, but you absolutely may not be listening to music or anything else - ONLY the CommonLit text!

If you finish both of these assignments before the end of the period, you may use the remaining time to study for tomorrow's test over yesterday's prologue notes (see the blog post from yesterday if you were absent to find out what you missed and get those notes - you will be required to take the test tomorrow even if you forget to get the notes!), you can work on your vocabulary project, or you can work on your assigned IXL skills.

⇒Make sure you grab a copy of the Vocab Project Sheet off the shelf at the front of the room!⇐

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Today we're going to be covering the prologue of Romeo & Juliet. Remember, a prologue is like the exposition of a story; it gives us the following information:
-Backstory of what happened before the start of the play
-A short summary to foreshadow what might happen in the play

We are taking detailed notes today in class analyzing the prologue, as well as the characters of the story. You WILL have a test over these notes on Thursday, so if you missed class today you'll need to use the information posted here (and on Google Classroom) to fill in a blank copy of the notes, which you can find up on the front shelf next to the Vocab Project sheets.

⇒Make sure you grab a copy of the Vocab Project Sheet off the shelf at the front of the room!⇐

Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

Good morning and happy Monday! I'm home with a super sick kiddo today, so I expect nothing but the absolute best behavior while I'm gone. If I come back to your name written down by the sub for any kind of unacceptable behavior choices, please know that you have earned yourself a referral and a call home. It's not worth it - just sit quietly in your assigned seat, do your work, and don't act foolish.

Today, we are going to take our first look at a passage from Romeo & Juliet. We aren't ready to start reading the full text yet, but this is a good way for us to start interacting with the text before we jump in.

Today's assignment is an ActivelyLearn lesson looking at the famous balcony scene between Romeo and Juliet. We will be working on it in class today, but what you don't complete before the bell rings will become homework. This assignment is due tomorrow. If you use your time wisely in class, you should be able to leave today without any homework to complete! You must be logging into ActivelyLearn with your @students.cmcss account by clicking "Log in with Google" and selecting your @students.cmcss account. If it asks for a code, the code is listed in the assignment  link in Google Classroom.

Before we begin, we are going to do a little game using Shakespeare's language. Get out a piece of paper and number down the page 1-12.  You will be turning this paper in, so make sure your name (first and last) is on the top of the sheet. The winner of this game will get a prize!

A note about "Shakespeare's Life" ActivelyLearn revisions from last week: If you see that your grade for this assignment in PowerSchool is listed as "incomplete," you can complete a revision of your answers in ActivelyLearn. Once you have completed the revision of your answers using the feedback I've provided in ActivelyLearn, you'll need to click this link and submit a regrading request. I will not grade your revision until I receive the regrading request using this link. Both the revision and the regrading request must be completed before 2:30pm on Thursday, November 7 or the grade in PowerSchool will remain as it is now.

⇒Make sure you grab a copy of the Vocab Project Sheet off the shelf at the front of the room!⇐