Uploading to Google Classroom

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  As I've been doing grading this weekend, I've come across a lot of you who have submitted empty assignments to Google Classroom; you've submitted the assignment, but it's blank and none of your answers are there. Instead of taking a 0 for this, I'm guessing it was a technology glitch and just marking it as missing. You'll need to fix it and resubmit it with a late slip before the 2-week late window for that assignment closes.

Please remember that it is YOUR responsibility to double (or triple!) check that you have attached and submitted the correct version of the assignment on Google Classroom.  To help, here is a step-by-step guide for you to reference when you forget how to submit on Google Classroom:

STEP 1: Go into Google Classroom and click the "Classwork" tab at the top of the page
STEP 2: Locate the assignment and click "View Assignment"
STEP 3: Once the assignment is open, click "+Add or Create"
STEP 4: Decide where to find the assignment. If you completed in in Google Docs or you saved it to your Google Drive, click "Google Drive." If you completed it in Lumin or another program on your computer and downloaded it or saved it, click "File."
If you are looking in Google Drive, you'll need to browse through your Google Drive files and locate it there, then click "Add"
If you have it saved or downloaded to your computer, you'll need to click "Select files from your device," then locate them on your computer (if you've downloaded it from Lumin or another program, it automatically saves in your Downloads folder on your computer). Once you select the file and it's listed here, click "Upload."
STEP 5: Once you see the document listed under "Your Work," click on it and double/triple check that it's the correct one - whatever you see when you click on that is exactly what I will see when I go to grade it; if it's not the correct document or assignment, click the "X" and return to step 4 to locate the correct document. Once you are sure it's the correct document, click "Turn In."
STEP 6: It will ask you to verify you want to turn in your work. Double-check the document you've attached is listed, then click "Turn in" in the bottom corner.

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