Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Good morning, guys!

Just a quick check-in today.

All classes: Keep an eye out for some important information I'll be posting Monday morning.

5th period only: I'm going to hold a Zoom class meeting on Wednesday next week at 1:30pm. I'll post the link to access the Zoom an hour before the meeting; if you've never used Zoom yet, please access the link at least 15 minutes before the meeting starts because you'll need to set up your account and download the app to your laptop. It'll be a chance to talk about what's been going on and to answer any questions you've got about my class or anything else. Plus I'll get to see your faces! It's not required, but I hope you'll try to pop in for a bit.

People doing N3 Grade Recovery: Remember that all of your assignments must be completed by May 4. After you complete an assignment, make sure to return back to the Google Classroom assignment and click "turned in" so I know that it's ready to be graded. I'm logging into Google Classroom once a week to grade assignments, but N3 grades won't be updated in PowerSchool until the district tells us it's okay to do so.

As always, I hope you guys are staying healthy and safe. Feel free to shoot me an email with any questions:

Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020

Happy Monday!

Here is this week's English Continued Learning Library activity. I hope you guys are taking a little time to work on these, even if it's just because you're bored and need something to do. I'd hate for us to come back together in a couple weeks and all of your brains have turned to mashed potatoes over the extended leave!

Click here to access this week's English I lesson

Also, if you're doing N3 credit recovery: I sent an email to you and/or your parent(s) this morning. Please make sure to check that and respond sometime today.

Don't forget to check back here on Thursday this week for a little update and check-in activity! Who knows - maybe I'll have some post-quarantine snacks for the student(s) who do the most check-ins... 😏

Last but not least, MEME TIME! Just be thankful I'm not making you guys Zoom...yet...