Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

We will be finishing up our DBL today by reviewing some famous quotes and movies for the type of rhetoric they use.  To start class, we will watch a persuasive video, then work together on analyzing the immortal words of a few famous people, and finally, we will view some movie clips and analyze how rhetoric is used in them.

If you are absent today, please make sure to get the quote analysis activity when you return, then complete it and turn it in for a grade.

Don't forget, you only have a couple weeks left to finish your IXL skills, which are for a large assessment grade! You don't want to miss out on that!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Today you will be taking notes, so get out something to write with. Ms. Fowlkes will provide the note sheet for you, and you will not use your laptop for this.

For homework tonight, please use your notes to complete the EdPuzzle video by clicking this link.

If you were absent today, it is your responsibility to get the notes and complete the EdPuzzle when you return.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

DISCLAIMER: If your late slip does not have the FULL NAME of the assignment, I will not grade it. If you just write "CommonLit" on it, I have NO idea which one you're talking about and no clue which one you're asking me to grade. If you submit a late slip without the full name of the assignment as it appears on PowerSchool, I will recycle the late slip and not grade the assignment. You've been warned.
Also. If you want your work graded on-time, turn it in on-time. Once you turn in a late slip, I get to it at MY convenience, not yours. Do NOT email me asking about when I will grade it or if I got your late slip. I will no longer respond to these emails.

Today's activity will take place on CommonLit looking at Fake News, something we've already discussed at length. Today we will focus on why people are so drawn to read, believe, and share FAke News.

You will need to go to Google Classroom to find the link to the CommonLit assignment, called "On Twitter, Fake News Has a Greater Allure Than Truth Does." You should be able to complete this assignment before the end of the period, but if you don't it is due tomorrow. If you choose not to work on this in class today and Mrs. Fowlkes tells me you chose not to do it in in class, you will not be given the option to complete this as a late assignment.

Before you start the CommonLit, please answer the 3 questions posted below in the Padlet. You will have to scroll to the right to see the last question:

Made with Padlet

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Today we will be looking at artists who use their art to create visual arguments about a topic. To start your brains on that path, let's take a look at the following piece of art. Take a moment to really look at what's going on in the picture, then answer the Padlet question:

Made with Padlet

Once you've done that, you can put your laptop away. The remainder of the activities for today will be on paper. If you are absent today, please make sure to get the Visual Argument Analysis sheet that you missed today. If you are a STEM/Honors student, you will also need the Visual Argument Creation sheet, which is due Monday, February 17.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020

Good morning!

This week we will be continuing on our DBL (digitally-blended unit) about Animal Farm. However, today my honors and general classes will be getting a presentation from Ms. Harvison, our school counselor, to help schedule for sophomore year. If you missed class today, please stop into the guidance department when you return to get the scheduling sheet from Ms. Harvison.

My STEM classes have already had this presentation from Mrs. Karls, so STEM classes will use the period to complete assigned IXL skills. Remember, these must all be at a 90 before the date I collect them in order to get full credit.

All classes will need their headphones and laptops all week - please come prepared!