Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Good morning, everyone.  It's time for Mrs. Keith's End of the Year Message!

Normally I would do this in class, but since there is no class, you get a virtual message this year. Please take the time to watch the video all the way to the end - it's important.

I love you all so very much (yes even you, Oscar!) and I'm going to miss you guys terribly! Thanks for an interesting (but still very fun!) year 😊 You know you can always reach out by emailing me at melissa.keith@cmcss.net or by finding my teacher Instagram page (@mrskeithela)

Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

Guys.  It's my FAVORITE holiday (besides Christmas, Thanksgiving, and my birthday, of course). It's National Star Wars Day!

In celebration, I'm giving everyone until Wednesday, May 6 at 11:59pm to turn in their credit recovery assignments!  I will be checking timestamps, and anything not submitted as "turned in" on Google Classroom at/before 11:59pm will not be accepted - no exceptions.

If you've already finished, you do not need to email me or leave a comment in Google Classroom letting me know. I will be going in first thing Thursday morning and checking assignments. As long as you've clicked "turned in" on all the assignments you completed, I will know to go check and grade them. If you didn't click "turned in" at/before 11:59pm on Wednesday, May 6, then they won't be graded. But there's really no need for you to let me know if it's done.

Those doing the grade boost essay, don't forget that's also due on Google Classroom by 11:59pm Wednesday, May 6.

Also, I'll be posting a video on Tuesday, so please make sure you take a minute to watch it sometime this week.

I miss you guys so much! Go watch a Star Wars movie (or at least Clone Wars or The Mandalorian on Disney+) and celebrate today! ⭐