Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

I apologize for being out today. I had an emergency come up (yes everyone is okay!) this morning; I had no intention of being out today at all.  However, I expect nothing but the absolute BEST behavior while I am out.

Your class may be in the library today, or it may be in our classroom with a sub. Either way, you have work to do on the computer. This should be the ONLY thing you are doing in class today - absolutely no games, music, videos, or other websites. Doing any of those (or sleeping) will be given a referral and I will be contacting home. For some of you, that may ruin your eligibility to go on the field trip, participate in homecoming or sports, etc.

Today, you need to log in to IXL through ClassLink (click those words to open ClassLink). You will then login to IXL by clicking the app that looks like this:

Once logged in, you will see in the upper right corner a link that says "Teacher Suggested Skills." Click on this and you will see that I have assigned you 5 different ELA skills to work on; you may also see some math skills your math teacher has assigned. You should choose one of those skills and begin to work your way through it. If you finish, move on to the next skill. To work through all 5 skills, it should take you the entire class period. If you finish early, go to your diagnostic page and clock "recommended skills" to work on those. You should not be doing anything outside of IXL at any point during the class period. No exceptions.

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