Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving, ladies and gentlemen!

Every year, I'm reminded of why I love my job. Yes, there are days where I feel like no one is listening to me, I'm not doing enough to teach you guys about English, or I question if you guys even care about what I'm doing for 45 minutes at the front of the room. However, there are days where I see one of you finally catch on to something I've been trying to teach you for weeks! Days where the same kid who never comes prepared to class or follows the directions on the board does both without any prompting! Moments where I see you connect with something I'm teaching and I know that maybe, just maybe, you might walk out of class not hating English today!

You guys have no idea how much I appreciate you, too. Y'all have been more than understanding about family things that have kept me out of the classroom, and when you ask how my kids are doing, it warms my heart. Your crazy sense of humor makes me laugh (even if it also makes me roll my eyes!), your attempts to participate in my sometimes-ridiculous activities, even the moments when you humor me and "laugh" at my horrible jokes - it all makes me love my job, even on the hard days!

So this year, I'm thankful for YOU. Each and every single one of you (even the ones who skip my class, or sleep instead of working, and even the ones who give me attitude - I'm thankful for you).

I hope today is filled with good food and an even better full-belly nap! Enjoy your long weekend and I'll see you back here Monday morning. Happy Thanksgiving!

-Mrs. Keith

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