Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Since the practice ACT test is happening today, you'll be spending today in your 1st-period class until lunchtime. During this time, you have a few things to work on in preparation for your District Writing Assessment tomorrow.

First: Please go to Google Classroom and answer the writing prompt. This should be completed using a minimum of 3 complete paragraphs (5-7 sentences per paragraph) and submitted on Google Classroom when complete.

Next: Please go to Google Classroom and complete the CommonLit assignment "Life Isn't Fair - Deal With It." You will need to read that article and annotate it for the author's claim and 3 pieces of text evidence that support the claim, then answer all the questions.

Finally: If you finish both of those and you have extra time, please work on your assigned IXL skills. Those are due Friday at 2:30pm (absolutely NO late IXL skills will be accepted since you've had almost 2 months to complete them).

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