Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020

Today, all classes will be participating in a two-day activity.

General (2nd, 4th, and 5th period): You will be working in small groups of 4 to create a One-Pager Poster that looks at the important elements of Animal Farm, including character development, key quotes, themes, symbolism, and rhetoric. These need to be detailed and creative and should show me that you and your groupmates understood not just the basic story of Animal Farm, but all of the components that influenced George Orwell to write it, as well as how that aspects of the novel influenced you as the reader. All you need today is something to write with and the PDF text of Animal Farm opened on one person's laptop; everyone else can have their laptops put away.

To see some really good examples of really well-done One-Pager Posters, click this link and look through the album of pictures.

Honors/STEM (1st, 3rd, and 6th period): Today is day 1 of the Socratic Seminar. Side A (closest to the windows) will be asking the questions and Side B (closest to the door) will be answering. Remember, you are being graded on the quality of the questions you ask and the answers you give. It's okay to elaborate on or disagree with another student's answer as long as you can support it with an explanation and some kind of evidence from the story. Everyone on Side A must ask at least 1 question today, and everyone on Side B must answer at least 1 question today.

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