Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019

Today you're going to be completing a diagnostic. The purpose of this is to tell me what parts of grammar and writing you guys are really good at (so I don't teach it and keep doing boring stuff you know) and what you guys could use a little more help with before we have your scored writing assessment next month.

The more you actually try on this diagnostic, the better you'll make my teaching.

That means I need you to actually give each question your very best effort, not just rush through to get it done as fast as possible. If I feel like you've rushed through your test (yes I can see how long it takes you and how long you spend on each question) I will reset the test and have you take it again after school with me one day next week.

To access the diagnostic, follow the steps below:

Click the NoRedInk link posted in Google Classroom and open the webpage

Click on the blue box that says "Sign up as a student"

Type the code  for your class into the box:
1st period: super plant 37
2nd period: another game 88
3rd period: fun phone 84
4th period: cool purse 58
5th period: deep map 30
6th period: unique nickel 98

Make sure the box says your correct English class period, then click "Sign up with Google."
Choose your @students.cmcss account

Select your gender (f you're comfortable)

Choose things that are of interest to you (books, movies, TV shows, music, athletes/sports, etc.) until the green bar fills all the way up. This helps NoRedInk give you questions and activities based on things that are actually interesting to you.

 Click on the "Practice Q's" diagnostic (the blue circle with the white play button triangle) to start the diagnostic.

Click "Let's Go!" and start your diagnostic!

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